“I miss you…” Postcard
...where did you go?
In looking over my records, I realized that I haven’t heard from you in quite awhile. I miss you! So... I thought I’d send this postcard to tell you...
• You’re still a Shaklee Member. (That means a 15%+ discount off the top!)
• We have some remarkable new products I know you’ll LOVE! (Call for free samples.)
• Shaklee products are still the BEST in the world! They’re... always GREEN; always SAFE; and they always WORK!
• You can have your very own profitable home-based business if you want it.
• And... I’m still here to help you and answer your questions. Just get in touch:
“I miss you…” Postcard
NOTE: If you have any questions or special requests, please send us an email at lifedreams9@msn.com. Or call us at 662-262-2260.