PDF Postcards
Here’s a great way to engage your list…
…with SHAIDS Personalized Print-and-Mail Postcards!
Postcard marketing is an extremely effective method that you can use to spread the word about your business or products. Why?
⦁ It will increase your sales and profits
⦁ It will help improve brand visibility and recognition.
⦁ It’s affordable for most small business owners.
⦁ It’s been used for decades simply because it’s a very effective way to reach out to your market.

The best postcards catch your eye first, convey a simple message or idea, and then lead you to take a second look and read every word… leaving you wanting to know more.
SHAIDS Print-and-Mail Postcards…
⦁ are short
⦁ get right to the point
⦁ are easy to read
⦁ are “in your face” (no envelope to open)
⦁ send a strong message
⦁ stimulate curiosity
⦁ entice your client to find out more (a call to action)
⦁ get you and your brand noticed
⦁ are inexpensive to print and mail
⦁ Increase your sales!
SHAIDS Print-and-Mail Postcards…
⦁ are colorful

⦁ convey a compelling message
⦁ provide relevant information about Shaklee
⦁ always include a call to action
⦁ are personalized with your information (making it easy for them to call, email or visit your website)
⦁ are easy to print (a few or a lot… whatever you need)
⦁ “prime the pump” for your printed or e-newsletter (they’ll be much more likely to read it)
⦁ are inexpensive at just $14.00 per personalized PDF. Our 4-on-a-page format makes it easy to use perforated postcard stock to print as few or as many as you need.
SHAIDS Print-and-Mail Postcards can be used to welcome a new Shaklee Member who has joined your organization; to entice your “seasoned” Members to purchase more Shaklee products; to convince your prospects, customers and members to examine the business potential more closely; or to “prime the pump” with little bits of intriguing, valuable information so that when you send them a printed or electronic newsletter, they’ll want to read it!
SHAIDS Print-and-Mail Postcards are special! Why? We personalize all Postcards with your information and email the PDF to you. For most of our Postcard offerings, there are 4 of the same Postcard on each PDF. Just print them out front-to-back on pre-perforated postcard stock (or card stock of your choice if you have a good cutter), then just label, stamp and mail! You’ll grab your clients’ attention and entice them to want to know more. And… after they receive a Postcard or two, they’re much more likely to read your next email and newsletter!
Remember… SHAIDS Postcards are perfect for prospecting, too.